Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have totally become addicted to my new MacBook.. and especially to the iMovie and iDVD programs. If you've already watched the videos on my previous posts you'll understand what I'm talking about! Since I'm not into scrapbooking I've decided to try and make a hard bound book and dvd for each year of my kids' lives.  Having a Mac makes this so much easier!  The programs are so easy to use that even an average girl like me can make something to be proud of.  If you want to see a true professional video though, you should check out my nephew, Lincoln's videos that his Daddy makes him.  A w e s o m e !    

Anyway, I had a blast working on both for Lily's first year... and have already begun her Year Two video.  I recently found some awesome music and can't wait to have more video clips/images to make more.  I'm such a nerd, that I've also picked out music for my next kid....no, I'm not preggers...  just looking to the future is all. :) Whoever we get next will have the sweet song "One Day, Two Days, Three Days Old" by one of my new favs Elizabeth Mitchell.  My family will be impressed that it's not an Elliott Smith song!

So here are images of her dvd and book.  I won't be posting the videos on this blog, so if you're interested in seeing the dvd, let me know.

(the chapters of the videos are actually song titles used)

book cover

Monday, April 28, 2008


Last week, we discovered that Miss Lily has caught on to all of the singing we do around the house.  She decided to finally show us what she could do herself!

Now every time she hears the word "nap" she sings this song. 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

park and pigtails!

On Thursday, Lily and I went to play together at the park.  She had a blast on the swings and watching the other children play.  See below for pics of our day and of her new 'do!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

sweet sweet baby

Here is a recent video of sweet sweet Lily.  

e n j o y !

Monday, April 07, 2008

magic kingdom

Recently, Tom and I took Lily to the Magic Kingdom for a family day.  It couldn't have gone more smoothly (even with it raining from time to time)!  We had a blast going on rides, walking around, and playing in Fantasyland.  Tom even made the obligatory Disney purchase and bought Lily ears and a souvenir Dumbo doll at the end of the day.  Sucker!  

Overall, we really enjoyed our time together and look forward to going again.

Here is a little video diary of our day.  Enjoy!

Friday, April 04, 2008

14 mos. old

Sweet Lil is now 14 mos old!  She is a chatterbox and loves to "talk" on her phone, though the only real words she says are "hi, mama, dada, no & dog).  She is quite active and tries to climb on everything that she can... cushions, her car, the doggies, etc.  Her current favorite activities are spinning in circles, looking at books, cooking with Mama, dancing and singing songs, and giggling with her best friends, Polly and Franklin who kiss her often.  

Click here for a link to some recent pictures of our curlicued little girl!